Swansea Mosque Foodbank

It is an essential part of Muslim faith that as much as fulfilling the rights of our Creator by worshipping Him, we should also fulfill the rights of our fellow humans by helping them when they are in need.
“And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy….” (Surah Al-Insaan 76:8)
At Swansea Mosque, we provide a foodbank service since January 2015. Our aim is to assist vulnerable individuals, including those facing financial hardship or emergencies.
Last 10 days of Ramadan Appeal
Important Notice
Foodbank Opening Times: Sundays Only from 12:40pm - 1:40pm.
We still require referrals/vouchers to issue food packages.
Get Referrals from any of these Organisations:
- Swansea Council
- Caredig Swansea
- Swansea Asylum Seekers Support Group
- Swansea Jobcentre Plus
- Local Area Coordinator
- Coastal Housing
- Shelter Cymru
- Swansea CVS
- Ethnic Youth Support Team
- Citizen Advice Swansea NPT
- Swansea Muslim Community Service
- African Community Centre
- South Wales Police
- Swansea Women’s Aid
- Mathew’s House
- Swansea Dyfodol
- The Wallich
- Caer Las
Sundays: 12:40pm - 1:40pm
Contact: foodbank@swanseamosque.org
Easy Collection Process:
Step 1 – Get referred by a participating organization.
Step 2 – Present your voucher to a foodbank volunteer.
Step 3 – Wait in the designated area to receive your package(s).